This heart is a gift to my sister in law for her 33rd wedding anniversary. Hers is a marriage of perseverance, as is most any marriage that lasts. I'm sure if she had know the difficulties and heartache ahead of time, she would have thought twice but if she had also been shown the joy and happiness, she would do it all again.
Life and love are like that. Sometimes it is so easy to love and then other times...My scripture reading today is from 1 John 3:16-29 "We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters...let's not merely say we love eachother, let us show the truth by our actions...Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything."
It is so easy to feel love but it is much more difficult to do love. I think most of us want to treat those around us with love and respect, we want to live righteous lives, we want to have the love of Jesus show in how we love others, but then life happens. Our best intentions are met with resistance...our buttons are pushed...our thought lives go into over drive...and then our actions follow. God knows this will happen, he tells us not to feel guilty over our failure, he knows our hearts and he is greater than our feelings. Does this mean we shouldn't even try because we know what the result will be? No, we are still commanded to love eachother through our actions. Even those who are difficult to love. It means we are to ask God the minute...for the supernatural ability to love as he does, sacrificially.
In love,
The heart is made from a chipboard that I painted white and distressed. The papers are from Melissa Frances and they have been inked with Vintage Photo ink, as have all the embellishments.
1 comment:
wow, you have some fabulous projects and cards on your blog.....very nice work...have a wonderful weekend!
enjoy *~*
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