Jan 31, 2010
love letters...CPS152
Jan 30, 2010
sweet dreams...
Jan 29, 2010
Friends with Flair Friday...mushroom love
Jan 27, 2010
vintage valentine...
Hugs & Kisses...XXOO,
Jan 25, 2010
Jan 24, 2010
Jan 22, 2010
Unity FWF...always in my heart
I double stamped the the heart pins and layered the heart portion to give them some dimension.
Jan 21, 2010
sweet nothin's...
Just wanted to share a sweet little card I made for the Card Positioning System's (CPS150) challenge this week sponsored by October Afternoon.
I have been receiving the KOM from Unity stamps now for nearly a year and I hate to admit that I have not even begun to ink many of the up. But that is changing cuz I'm lovin their images.

I used my sewing machine to underline the sentiment and to zig zag the two papers together. The heart border punch from Martha Stewart is one of my favorites right now...a simple bow and twine tied button finish it off. So simple...so sweet.
Jan 19, 2010
I love these ladies that I meet with once a week for bible study and so much more. I can't quite put my finger on what makes us click, we are so diverse, and yet we have so much in common...each week brings with it another little part of who we are and who we long to be. I guess I just love the layers of our relationship...

Jan 17, 2010
follow your heart...
This card reminds me of him...know matter what happens...whether he's living in our house or moves away...my heart will always follow him.

Jan 16, 2010
be mine...
Like many of you...I have way more stuff than I will probably ever have time to use so I decided this year to only use what I have on hand before I head out to the craft/fabric store for more. So I pulled out some red, pink and blue fabric that I bought somewhere cause I just had to have it, and I started to sketch a design based on those fabrics.
It was actually kind of fun, so I thought I would do the same and making up some matching tags. I found this great pack of Collage Press papers in my stash that matched the fabric almost perfectly. Of course finding coordinating doo-dads was no problem either.
Sticking to my not purchasing anything rule...I found some fiberfill in the attic and made pillow forms. Whoo...hoo...I'm on a roll now.
Jan 12, 2010
After my study I tucked my grandson snugly in bed, made some hot tea and sat down to catch up on my emails. The first thing that caught my attention was a headline that read, "Massive 7.0 earthquake rocks Haiti, destroying the hospital...widespread casualties. "
It's so hard not to ask, "Why?" when you read that. Why Haiti? A country already so scarred by the throws of poverty...a country where work cannot be found...a country where medical care to the majority is not readily available...a country where paid retirement is unheard of...a country where so many mom's and grandma's don't have food to feed their hungry families...a country where babies are put to bed hungry...Why Haiti?
I am not questioning God or his sovereignty. I am certain that He is in control...I know that He has a plan and a purpose...I know some things are not for me to know...I guess my human mind, with my finite thinking, just struggles with the injustice of it all. Until we know what else we can do, please pray for the people of Haiti.
This is such a reminder for us to remember how blessed we are...while our country is far from perfect...we are blessed beyond what we deserve.
This certainly isn't the post that I had planned and sharing my silly cards with all the tragedy in this world doesn't seem worth while. My hope is that what I do will bring some joy and beauty and that we might be reminded of the many ways that God blesses all of us, even those living in a far from perfect world.
The image is from CraftySecrets...
Jan 9, 2010
paradigm... {D}
Our sermon series at church this month is entitled "Paradigm". It has to do with thought shifts...changing how we think things should be and why. Today's paradigm had to do with going from a sense of "Entitlement to Gratitude"...in our natural man, the more we get, the more we expect, the more we feel entitled to...we become harder and harder to satisfy. It's like a child at Christmas that would have been completely happy with just one present but after opening present after present he loses focus on the gift and just starts searching for the next present.
God gives us what we need and desires to give us so much more, but when he gives us more we forget that our needs have been met and we begin to just want more for the sake of wanting more...because we believe that somehow we are now entitled to more.
Pastor gave us this food for thought...do you agree?
"As our enjoyment grows-our demand grows. As our demand grows-our entitlement grows. As our entitlement grows- our appreciation fades."
This one really got to me...It was a reminder to take stock of all of the needs God has met and how he has exceedingly blessed me above and beyond.
Speaking of blessings...I finished the recipe book and I pray it blesses the recipient as much as she has blessed me.
and I love how fat it turned out...
A little peak at one of my favorite pages...I love the little heart postage stamp from TPC studio...
Jan 8, 2010
I guess I didn't realize how nervous I was about this procedure until this morning. Even though you hear the words, "minor...outpatient...routine", when it's your little one, you still worry.
With that good news...I have a few more pages of my recipe book to share...
A vintage kitchen fabric swatch and a retro clock...Don't you love the "lace" curtains?
More fabric scraps and some Cosmo Cricket paper...a handmade embellishment of gathered fabric, a couple of flowers and a button.
The cherry stamp from Unity is colored with copic markers...the cute bird is Cosmo Cricket.
More Cosmo Cricket, Early Bird paper and a piece of tea stained twill...
I'm half way through and I think it's going to be tough giving this one away.
With a thankful heart,