Another Saturday morning...
much the same for me, as any other...
and yet while I rest in the comfort of it's sameness...
my heart is heavy with the burdens of friends for whom their world has been shaken...

my heart is heavy with the burdens of friends for whom their world has been shaken...

I will be attending the funeral services of a dear friend's father this afternoon...
He leaves behind a wife of over sixty years...
How will she go on?...How does life resume any kind of normal?
How will she go on?...How does life resume any kind of normal?
I've recently read of a dear blogging friend's heartbreaking news about a loved ones illness...
How will she pick up the pieces when her beloved mate is no longer her anchor in this world?
I feel helpless to offer any tangible comfort...
so I pray...
I pray for their strength to go on...I pray for peace when peace does not seem possible...I pray for hope that comes only through faith in the resurrection...and yes, I even pray thanksgiving that their loved ones know Jesus and have professed him as Lord and Savior.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. " 2Corinthians 4:16-18
Life is such a gift...
embracing normal,
Hope for peace and comfort for the people you know that are suffering.
On a brighter note. Your coffee looks yummy. I love the yellow cup and saucer.
Hi Patty and amen sweet sister! Your photos are so lovely and for me also it is in those quiet moments with a cup of coffee that I too think of the dear people I have met (some here on blogger) that are at a sad and challenging time in their lives.
Whenever I have a hill to climb there is nothing else that will give me better comfort than knowing that at that very moment the Lord is holding my hand, He is crying with me and for me and whispering words of comfort in my ear. After all is said and done there is no better succor than that....
Tina xo
Hi Patty- I just read your very heartfelt comments and am touched by them. I, too, often wonder how people continue on when life as they know it ends for them. I guess if there is one SURE thing in this life it is the UNsure-ness of it all. It makes me wonder how those that have no solid belief system in life actually get through life-altering events. As someone said, I guess it's because God holds them up even if there is not an acknowledgment on their side. I sm your newest follower. I scrolled down through a couple of your other posts and I will be going back to read more of them. Diana
Patty, I think we are praying for the same sweet lady. Yes, our hope is in God. I am blessed by having Him in my life daily. Have a nice weekend. Love & blessings from NC!
A very touching blog. Sometimes prayer is all we can offer, but what a great gift it is. God is faithful, even when the sun isn't shining. I am a witness. Bless you, and thanks for linking to Spiritual Sundays.
Such a beautiful post!! Our community just lost a 42 year-old wife and mom to cancer. So very difficult, but with hope in God, we know it is only a temporary loss.
I don't know how I'd go on after all those years. It would be a challenge. I'm sure she'll appreciate her friends being there for her.
So sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure you'll be a comfort to them.
Prayer is our greatest resource. I am sure the recipients of your prayers will be blessed beyond what you will ever know. That is the most wonderful thing you can do for them. God bless you.
this really touched me...your gentle caring for others. Prayer...seems like nothing...but it works wonders. Take gentle care.
Your photos are lovely Patty. I too heard that an online friend lost her husband suddenly this week. Even though he had not been in good health, to lose him in such a way must have been devastating for her. I too am keeping her in my thoughts and prayers as she goes through this difficult time. I'm sure the recipients of your prayers will appreciate them. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings.
Thank you for speaking from your heart. I can tell that you are a very sweet, caring person.
God bless you.
There are so many questions that simply have no earthly answers. It's a blessing to have friends who pray and hold our hands whenever we find ourselves in difficult seasons. Prayer is a wonderful way to show you care.
Your heart is precious. Your prayers are powerful.
Hi Patty,
This is, indeed, sad news and it's so hard to know how to respond to it other than kind words during a time of pain and prayer for those who are going through it...I pray for them too and hope that their grief is eased by our prayers. You have a beautiful heart.
Sorry to hear about your friend's lost, hope she'd find comfort and strength from God and a dear friend like you!
All we can do is to pray, pray for others too especially in times of suffering! Have a Blessed Sunday!
Found you thru Spiritual Sundays - praise God for that blog! LOVE your blog, the honest emotion that fills it. Your home is so color-filled, warm & inviting. I look forward to following you!
Please come visit my blog & follow as well. I welcome any comments you would care to share.
Praying for your friend ~ Merana
My first time to join in~~~So night to meet you~~Sorry to hear of your friends loss
If you have a chance please stop by my blog for the link to the Harvest Crusade~~Steven Curtus Chapman will be there~~sharing tonight :)
Kay Ellen
A very touching post....
Our God is the God of all comfort!
Beautiful,touching post. I love the pictures and the layout or design with which you have displayed them in this post. It's easy on the eye, easy to read and easy to understand. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing the encouraging words here. What is seen is temporal, but what is unseen is eternal. That is so true. Thank you for sharing this reminder.
Such a beautiful post! I think all you can do is pray. It is rough here right now. I definitely pray a lot. :)
Beautiful post and wonderful reminder to enjoy the sameness of each can all change so quickly....Thanks for the reminder of where our help comes...
I'm not very good with words sometimes but these
scriptures are perfect to read with someone,thank-you.
Oh, the unseen is much better, isn't it. And I clicked on your post for the cheery yellow and pretty flowers. Didn't know about your heavy heart and I am so sorry for all the heavy hearts and the deep sorrows of us all. Somehow the beauty of God overshadows the sorrow.
Thank you for sharing these comforting Bible verses. I join with you in prayer for your friends and you to be encouraged and blessed through these and other Scriptures and prayers and hugs from friends all around.
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