Dec 31, 2009
happy new year...
I'm excited about the New Year but then I always's just part of my school years...and a brand, spanking new decade. I don't know if your out there...I try not to obsess over it...whoever you are, I pray you have a blessed, abundant New Year!
Dec 29, 2009
family memories...
Dec 27, 2009
family dynamics...
Where is the New Year when you need it...
Ignore the irony (family grows here) but...this is the 5 x 7 canvas I made for mom as part of her Christmas gift. It has a bunch of techniques that I plan on exploring this year...
there is some beaded jewelry work...
some mixed media...paper and fabric...and embroidered details...
Dec 26, 2009
Christmas past...
Dec 22, 2009
staying in the lines... {D}
Dec 21, 2009
annie's birthday...
Dec 17, 2009
a few more pictures...
I wanted to show you just a few more pictures of my SIL's before I move on to another Christmas wonderland...
Dec 14, 2009
The tour, part two...
Dec 11, 2009
Christmas Tour...
Trust me when I say this is just the tip of the iceberg and my photos can't capture the magic of the twinkling lights and cozy atmosphere of her home. Much to her chagrin, I arrange spontaneous tours annually. She says I bring complete strangers through but this isn't quite true...I have usually known them at least an hour or two.
Dec 9, 2009
making spirits bright...
Dec 7, 2009
Christmas Blessings...
Dec 3, 2009
new traditions... {D}
Does your relationship with God ever feel a little dry, like you're in need of a personal revival? I have been feeling like that lately...
A few months ago my SIL gave me a book to read called The Calvary Road by Roy Hession. I've started reading it a few times but it's one of those books that really makes you stop and realize the change that needs to happened in your life to move forward in your walk with God, so I'll put it away until I have more time to really get into the content of it.
Realizing that I will never have the time...I picked it up again with renewed conviction to finish it. I only got through two pages before I was forced to come face to face with an area that I need to change if I hope to have a revival in my relationship with Jesus...
Hessian says, "There is one simple but all-inclusive guide the Word of God gives to regulate our walk with Jesus and to make us know when sin has come in. Colossians 3:15 says, "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts." Everything that disturbs the peace of God in our hearts is sin, no matter how small it is, and no matter how little like sin it may at first appear to be." Wow, that can be an overwhelming deal with all the things that disturb my peace in any given day...Some days I wouldn't be able to function. He goes on to say, " He (God) will show us, to begin with just one thing, and it will be our obedience and brokenness on that one thing that will be the first step into revival for us."
So my prayer this morning is for God to reveal to me that one starting point to total revival in my walk and relationship with him.
In hope of a revival,
Nov 28, 2009
the big 5-0
Nov 27, 2009
the day after...
Now that it's officially the holiday season...I am off to start bringing down the Christmas totes from the attic, break out the Christmas music and begin to transform our house into a Christmas wonderland. Have a beautiful, long weekend.
Nov 23, 2009
the life you imagined... {D}
Some Bo Bunny Christmas paper and K and Company chipboard...