Today is my husbands fiftieth, I can't believe I just typed that. Where did the time go? When we were young(er) 50 seemed so still does...but it doesn't feel that old. Does that make sense? When it's your life progressing at a normal rate, with no major illnesses and relatively good health...age just seems to happen. No big deal, no big changes...
We were awakened last night by a hard rainfall and my husband turned over and jokingly said, "I feel achy, my bones are so stiff...what's going on?" But the truth of the matter is that 50 is just a number, nothing really changes, sure we slow down a bit...certain food doesn't agree with us like it used to...and we can't read a menu without our reading glasses but life is still what we choose to make it. One of the things I most love about my husband is his ability to still dream and still dream big. He has so many plans for his life and if you know him, he usually acts on those dreams (which is one of the things that drives me most crazy about him)...he is young at heart...he is a quiet, very private man...not given to many words until you get to know him, then you can't get a word in edge wise...he is a generous man...he is dependable and loyal...he is passionate about what he believes (read into that what you will and you are probably right)...certainly not perfect (but neither am I). We have been married nearly 27 years and I am still crazy in love with him because he is who he is.
We are off tonight to spend a evening with his father and our children, just what he wants to big party after all it's no big's just a number.